
ZEX Nitrous System ZEX Add-A-Stag

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  • Regular price $394.99
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The ZEX Part #82064 Add-A-StageNitrous System begins with inline T connections to the base kit?s nitrous and fuel supply lines. Theseconnections then feed the 2nd stage nitrous kit?s fuel and nitrous solenoids. These solenoids arenormally closed but are opened when the base nitrous system is armed and the 2nd stage?s pushbuttonswitch is depressed. Once these solenoids open, the nitrous and fuel are delivered to the nitrous nozzlevia flexible delivery lines. The amount of nitrous and fuel that is injected through the nozzle isadjustable by means of metering jets installed in the nozzle itself. These metering jets allow for easychanges in horsepower settings.